
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3, Lect. 7 - Announcing the Kingdom

Day 3, Lect. 7 - Announcing the Kingdom
Readings: Mark 10:35-45  Luke 4:14-21  Matthew 25:31-46  Matthew 4:12-17

What is The Kingdom if not Heaven? It is the world of Christ. It is living in Christ. Living IN Christ IS living in the Kingdom.

As a retired military man, +Ignatius spoke of serving under the banner of Christ versus serving under the banner of the World.

Jesus brought us the Kingdom: Peace, love, justice, compassion, all of those things he showed us that we may know God, and may be as God, and be IN and OF the Kingdom of God.

The Messianic Age- When the Messiah comes, so will come peace. But WE have to be that peace! He cannot FORCE it upon us!

The word Shalom means peace in a very holistic way. Peace of mind, body, and soul. Much the same was that Agape means love, but means more than love.

The Kingdom is with in and around you:

"The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you,
Not in a mansion of wood and stone.
Split a piece of wood and God is there,
Lift a stone and you will find God."

Jesus gave of the gift of the Kingdom. In 2000 years, we have not managed it very well.
It is time we took it back. One person at a time. One interaction at a time. One act of Love at a time.

As Babptized Christians, we are called to:
     1. Follow Christ- that is "live in/as Christ"
     2. Establish His Kingdom and continue it.

The Kingdom is all around us, and in us, but it begins in our hearts. It begins with Love.

The "Here/Not Yet" paradox: This is something that has never really occurred to me, and is worthy, I think, of some serious consideration. "Here/Not Yet." The Kingdom of God is Here! ...Don't get it? Not Yet. ... Christ gave us the Keys to the Kingdom, right here, right now, in our hearts, in our minds, in our spirits, in our relationships, in our communications, in our interactions with others, in our whole lives. He brought the keys to be given to everyone. But it is up to US to use the keys. To Open the Kingdom, to maintain the Kingdom. The Key is in CHRIST. In the CHRIST consciousness. In the "imitation of CHRIST." If we could all be more CHRIST-like, the world would be a much better place, so we ARE the Kingdom... or at least we should be.

Q: What does it mean to you that The Kingdom is here and now? What does this call you to?
I think these questions are fairly well summed up in the paragraph above. 

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