
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3 Lect. 6- Jesus: Beloved Brother and Sacrament of God

Here we turn to Jesus. Jesus as the God/Son of God, and Jesus as a Man who could be our friend, our confidant, our mentor, our guide, our brother.

If a  sacrament is a sign of God, the Jesus is the sacrament of God. Jesus said "If you have seen me, then you have seen the Father." He tells us that He is the embodiment of God here on Earth, so that we may KNOW who God is.n reading the parables, the miracle stories, the healing stories, we may also know the nature of God. Read them and see who God is. Let yourself feel His love for you. Let yourself fall in love with Him.

We are all called to live in (to imitate is a common way of phrasing it) Christ, but what does that MEAN? Second century christian philosopher/saint St. Irenaeus said "The glory of God is the human being fully alive."

Most Christians profess that Jesus was both fully human (being born of Mary) and fully divine (being begotten of the Holy Spirit). What this means for us is that as God, he came to us to live like us, to experience joy and suffering like us, and to die like us. To be fully human... like us. But in doing so, he came to show us LOVE like Him! To show us that we may live with integrity, honesty, compassion, justice, and with LOVE! In doing so, may we find that it is to be fully alive in God.
This is what it means for us to live like Him. For us to imitate him. For us to be Christ's emissaries in this world. Jesus broke all social, religious, economic conventions to show us God. And that in being Human, we could be as God.

"I wish I could show you the astonishing light of your own being."
When we realize that God is in us, and in everyone else, and everything else, we start to be able to see God in everyone and everything. If we all treated each other as though the other were God, then the world would be a much better place.

On Love
"Nothing has the transformative power, can move even mountains, more than LOVE."
In Luke 7:36-, we are told that Jesus is confronted with a woman who is accused of being a sinner. But she comes to Jesus, even though Jesus is seated for dinner with the Pharisees, she comes with love. With a love so great, despite her sins that she prostrates herself before Jesus and washes His feet with her tears, and drys them with her hair. She recognizes the Grace of Jesus and moves towards Him. He recognizes her repentance, her metanioa, and forgives her, releases her of her sins.

Love is hard. It's hard to do all of the time. We are not God, even as we strive to emulate Him. We are fully human, but we have the spark of the divine within us, and we are called to kindle that spark and "set the world on fire" with it.

Q: How do you relate to Jesus? How does reflecting on His humanity challenge you/comfort you?
I know that this may sound silly, but the comic strip Coffee with Jesus has been very helpful in my relationship with Jesus. Up until a couple of nights ago, I has always had a real issue with trying to reconcile the whole Jesus/God/Son of God thing. The the other night, I was laying in bed praying, and I imagined Jesus sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. It was such a powerful feeling that I actually moved my legs out of the way to give him somewhere to sit. We talked. I confessed to some problems that I was having, he gave me advice. It was really quite remarkable. I wish I had written it all down at the time, but sleep came easier that night. Being able to relate to Jesus in a more human form than ***SON OF GOD*** opens the door to a whole new relationship.

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