Notes from Lecture 2 - Who are You, Oh God, and Who am I?
The questions for this lecture were:
What images of advance or detract from your relationship with God?
What would you like to say to God about that?
Who best personifies God's love for you? (God with Skin reference.)
What prevents you from receiving God's love?
I will attempt to answer these, and similar questions from other lectures through what will probably come out as a chaotic smattering of quotes, notes, references, insights (from then and now), and seemingly nonsensical whimsies. Some of these things I will elaborate of in future entries.
God loves us wholly, unconditionally, no matter what.
If only we could see each other, shining like the sun with the love of God.
My "God with Skin" is Celeste. Her strength, her love, her never-ending devotion to those she loves. It is said that God loves you at least as much as the person who loves you most. Well, if God loves me at least as much as I love Celeste, then I am a pretty lucky guy.
God is more for us than we are for ourselves.
God is Universal, God is God, God Is.
Sometimes trying to think of God gives me vertigo. Like trying to comprehend the infinite vastness of space. But then sometimes God is a pinprick of light, but a point that contains all of the energy that ever was and ever will be. I cannot thing of God in human terms except through CHRIST.
As for Jesus... He is my coach, my coffee mate, my friend and my guide.
Maybe if God really was able to be personified, it would be easier to understand His will and His doings and His purposes.(There was a lot of talk as God as Santa- Always seeing who is good, and who is bad, and meting out justice accordingly. Or God as Father; loving disciplinarian. There was no talk of God as Daddy (Abba) which I am in retrospect grateful for, because that particular viewpoint grinds my nerves for some reason. Although after doing a bit of research, it turns out that Abba is not really equal to Daddy (as it is commonly used in seeker churches). It does (or can) carry a more respectful weight to it if that makes any sense.)
Sometimes the idea of Zen does seem easier because it holds no sense of urgency. No compelling drive that says we have a limited amount of time at our disposal. Use it wisely.
On Celeste being my God with Skin... Sometimes so much so that if I had to choose between Her and God, I don't know if I would know how to respond.
The chaos, the busyness, the constant hum of activity in my life is a constant barrier between me and my relationship with God. THAT is why I am HERE! :-) (I remember writing this. I was in my Hidey-hole and it came upon me like a revelation. There was an immense sense of Presence, Calm, Joy, in that statement.)