Scripture readings:
John 8- The Adulterous Woman
John 9- Jesus, the Blind man, and the Pharasees
Romans 5- We have been justified by Faith
Psalm 32- Blessed are the Forgiven
Cleaning the Lens is about being able to view our faults, and our sins, through the lens of God's Love, rather than through the lens of Man's guilt.
One of the biggest "turn-offs" for people on Christianity is the whole Sin and Guilt thing. Who can blame them? Nobody wants to admit on their own that they are flawed, and they damn sure don't want somebody else telling them that they are flawed.
But if we can get past our Egos long enough, we can really examine our lives and our thoughts and really admit that we have issues (some greater than others, some lesser, it really doesn't matter). Once we can do that, coupled with the knowledge that God loves us, wholly, unconditionally, no matter what, and that He wants us to change (metanoia) so that we may be closer to Him, it suddenly becomes clearer and easier that there is a real opportunity to have a real relationship with God. One that is based on Love and not guilt and fear.
Remember... God does not condemn us for our sins... we do.
We are going to use the word "sin" here, as it is part of the vernacular, but it must be understood that "sin" is not doing things that the Bible says that we should not do (although that can be part of it), but sin is doing those things which are counter survival, and/or counter to bringing us closer to God. Sin is not "breaking the LAW OF GOD, therefore YOU are GOING to HAAEEEELLLLL!!!... Umm, no... Sin is "hamartia"... missing the target. Error. It is correctable. I was really quite (pleasently) suprised to even read the Wikipedia not on the origin of the word:
"In Abrahamic contexts, sin is the act of violating God's will. Sin can also be viewed as anything within individuals that violates the ideal relationship between them and God.
"The word derives from “Old English syn(n), for original sunjō,... The stem may be related to that of Latin sons, sont-is guilty. In Old English there are examples of the original general sense, 'offense, wrong-doing, misdeed.' The Biblical terms that have been translated from Greek and Hebrew literally refer to missing a target, i.e. error."
Once we can honestly confront our sins, we can begin the process of "metanoia" or change of heart and mind. "There is nothing 'once and for all' in a decision to change." The process takes time, and patience, and discipline, and the willingness to stay open to God and let Him help you.
Ignatius talks about Attachment and Indifference. Iggy's idea on indifference is de-tachment from those things that keep us from God.
What are WE attached to that keeps us from God?
The Sin of Separation
We talked about sin as "what separates us from one another?" How do we relate to our fellow man, especially when there is cause for stress in the relationship. These stresses can be: Attitudes, judgements, preconceptions, lack of compassion. Lack of Affinity. (See my entry on Affinity, Reality, and Communication, ARC)
We were asked to examine areas or people in out lives that we had trouble with in this department. For me it is p-eople that I have communication barriers with, either through their having a learning disability, a language barrier, or their being say... a dog. I have a problem with homeless people. I feel bad for them, but I find that I have to wall up my compassion for them lest I give them the clothes off my back. (I have had too many unfortunate run in's with the homeless to NOT put up a wall between myself and them. Something I suppose I should work on.)
We are meant to be CHRIST in the world. We are meant to be a LIGHT. We cannot keep ourselves covered up with a basket.
The Sin of Self Neglect
There must be a balance between serving others and taking care of OUR needs.
What things in my life am I attached to that are actually harmful to me?
What loops play over and over in my mind that keep me down? Harpies?
What or WHO is my sabatuer?
How am I honouring the Gift of Me?
*God will forgive us if we forgive us. Can we forgive ourselves and turn away from those things that we know are not of God?*
From John 9-
We get so hung up on our own preconceived notions, or rigid thoughts, that we fail to see the miracle standing right in front of us.
From Romans 5-
We have been justified by faith.
Rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that
Suffering leads to endurance
Endurance builds character
Character developes hope
Hope will not shame us as God's Love has been poured into us.
We are reconciled to God by God's love for us, even as we were sinners before Jesus' death.
As one sin lead to condemnation and spiritual death, so does one act of righteousness lead to salvation and eternal spiritual life.
From Psalm 32-
Blessed are the forgiven says David. Confess your sins to God, be forgiven, and sin no more. Rejoice in the Lord and know that you are forgiven!
But confession and forgiveness must be followed by change. We must remain vigilant and disciplined to not fall back into the sleep of this world.
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