There is a reason for this. God is that ever-present force in the universe that inspires awe, opens us up to love our fellow man in spite of ourselves, and gives us hope when we are faced with darkness; Whereas Satan in that pervasive splinter under the skin of the world that infects it with hate, and greed, and distrust.
This is why we experience a sense of elevation and inspiration when we go out-of-doors and look up that the clear blue sky, or an amazing sunrise or sunset, or gaze into the vastness of space. It is also why we feel closed-in and compressed and depressed when we spend too much time with our eyes cast down at the ground, or boxed up in our little cages of shortened perspective or even when the winter gets long and we have not seen but the grey sky for too long.
We must keep our heads and our eyes and our hearts lifted up to the sky. We must reach out with our hearts and our minds and expand the space that we perceive. We must get outside of ourselves and realize that we are more than just the little boxes that we live in.
Satan wants to keep us limited to our own little perspectives of the world. God wants us to reach out to the whole of the world, toward the sky, toward the infinite, toward the us that we should be, and to Him.
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