A journal of my spiritual journey and my search for the understanding of God. What I post here are my thoughts, revelations, madnesses, rants and raves, praises and platitudes, poetry and songs, and whatever else I am inspired by the Spirit to write.
Monday, October 14, 2013
The ineffability of the para-normal experience
The problem with super-natural, or rather "para-normal" experiences and mystical experiences alike, is that there are rarely witnesses other than one's self. And if there were, they likely find themselves reluctant to discuss or disclose such matters, for fear of how the public will receive them.
Individuals who have such experiences often find them ineffable; unable to be put into words that can adequately describe the experience. This makes all the more difficult to discuss it with others. Like a picture of a sunset or a panoramic view of a beautiful landscape, the paper image, like the words, can never quite do the experience justice.
Another problem occurs, even among one's own peer groups, who claim to be open to such experiences. I have known people who, despite a professed belief in the para-normal, scoff at the experiences of others. It is much easier to accept your own experiences as real, than it is to accept the experiences of others. This dichotomy has a couple of sources - 1. Until a person is comfortable with such experiences; until the experiences are no longer "para-normal," they will run into a wall of resistance when hearing the experiences of others. 2. Some people are unwilling to give up their position of elitism, their exclusivity. They find it hard to accept that others can have similar, or worse, even more profound experiences than themselves. This is the Ego at work. I have seen this played out, even in discussion groups on the subject.
So what is the recipient of such experiences to do? If they are lucky, they will have a true confidant to whom they can honestly disclose such experiences to. The best kind of person is one who will be supportive, and simply listen, making no judgements. Perhaps ask the open ended question or two, to help the person work through it.
The other thing that a person can do, is to journal such experiences. This allows them to record the experience, and their own thoughts about it to a totally unbiased recipient. It also allows the person to go back to that experience later and review it, perhaps to glean some wisdom from it.
Too often are experiences had, where they are left unrecorded for posterity. Imagine if you can the great wisdom that would be lost to us if people like Theresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Rumi, Nostradamus, or Madam Blavatsky had not recorded their experiences for us to later read. Certainly, in can, and should be argued that these mystics did not write their experiences down with the idea of becoming famous by them. They recorded them for their own use and edification. It is important that one write honestly and in the moment; journalling for one's own sake, and not for the sake of others.
Mystical, or super-natural experiences do happen. The historic record bares this out as truth. But truth, like reality is subjective. If you have had, or are having these experiences, they are you truth. It is not for others to judge the validity of them. The only truth lies in your interpretation of the events, and how they may or may not affect change in your life.
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