Rant Mode //ON//
There has been some whining recently about a comment that Pope
Francis made regarding failed Christians behaving like pagans. Now
apparently, offended neo-pagans everywhere, who had purportedly been
lauding the Pope for his liberal-mindedness are retracting their
peripheral support, crying that he "diss'ed" them. Well, he really
didn't, and I will explain momentarily, but in the
meantime, don;t you think that there is enough crap going on in the
world that you don't need to actively look for, and even create things
to be offended about?
At his General Audience last week, Pope
Francis made a scriptural reference (Matthew 5:47-) that related
Christians unwilling to humble themselves and get to work making peace
in the world with pagan Romans, and arguably the Jewish priests, of
Christ's time; NOT with the modern era neo-pagans of today. If he was
dissing anyone, he was dissing Prosperity Gospel ministers and those who
think themselves too good to get down in the streets and do something.
Pope Francis as arguably the best thing to happen to Christianity
since Christ himself. A lot of things are going to change. Some things
aren't. But at least he is out there making an effort. Not sitting at
home bitching about something taken out of context and without
Now, with that said, let's put all of the BS aside
and get to work leaving this world a better place than we found it. That
is a big enough job.
Happy Holy Days to all, and to all a good night.
Rant Mode \\OFF\\
A journal of my spiritual journey and my search for the understanding of God. What I post here are my thoughts, revelations, madnesses, rants and raves, praises and platitudes, poetry and songs, and whatever else I am inspired by the Spirit to write.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Lectio Divina 20 Nov 2013

At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, 3 and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me."
I have been under so much stress lately. My dad, school, unemployment; it has all be overwhelming at times. I realized that I spend so much time being caught up in all of my problems, in the problems of the world, that I often lose sight of what is really important. God. Christ. Jesus. Sure I know that He is there, but sometimes I forget that He is above and outside of all of my problems, and if I would just let go for a moment, and allow myself to totally and unconditionally trust Him, like a child trusts his father and mother, then I might... just might... experience a moments peace.
And speaking of trusting like children, my own children play a role in all of this. Since my depression started setting in a year or so ago, it has been hard on the kids. I am occasionally volatile, and will obsess over the smallest things, allowing them to turn into a raging storm. And there have been times where my kids have born the brunt of this rage. But when it is over, and the clouds have passed, they come back to me and tell me that they love me. They love me, no matter what. Like God loves me, no matter what. +Lord, I pray I never take that for granted.+
For more information on the practise of Lectio Divina, please visit:
Or, a video introduction to the practise by one of my favourite priests:
+In nomine patri, et filii, et spiritus sancti, Amen+
Sunday, October 27, 2013
"If someone should take your shirt, give to him your cloak as well..."
This was an amazing story. I would like to think that I would have the personal integrity to respond in this way; but I seriously have my doubts.
Jessica Eaves was shopping in Guthrie, Okla., earlier this month when her wallet was pinched. She spotted the man she suspected of taking it in a nearby aisle and wondered what to do next. "As I saw him, a scripture came to me from Luke, which basically says 'If someone should take your cloak, you should give them your shirt as well,''...
Friday, October 25, 2013
On Nikola Tesla...
An acquaintance of mine once accused Tesla and his work of being of the Devil. This comment came a scant few days after a conversation we had, where previous to it, he had never even heard of the man. If anyone should be held accountable to the Devil and his work, it should be Edison and JP Morgan (Yes, Thomas Edison, and JP Morgan of JP Morgan-Chase.) Tesla was only ever interested in creating and distributing energy in a way that was synergistic with nature and mankind alike. His inventions could have, and would have changed the very course of human history, if it had not been for the likes of the men mentioned above, who were more interested in the almighty dollar than in what could be of benefit to mankind as a whole.Shameful really. My son Patrick is very interested in Tesla's work, and I hope that he holds on to his dream of completing what Tesla started.
From my cold, dead fingers...
And see, herein lies the dilemma... If you believe in God, then it is assumed that you believe in the covenants of "You will not murder" and "Love your neighbor." This means NO KILLING (except in the most extreme of circumstances, and then even that is wide open for Biblical debate.) Guns were originally developed for the sole purpose of taking human lives in warfare. They did NOT start out as animal hunting weapons.
However, we as Americans (particularly) are a Gun Culture. We built this nation of the backs of Colt, Smith, and Wesson. We LOVE our guns. We love showing off our guns. We love bragging about our guns, and we love shooting our guns. What's not to love? They are cool looking, they go BANG, and they instill us with a sense of power that we would not otherwise have. The power to take another life with minimal effort. The power of, in short: GOD.
Yet, we gun owners don't often think of our guns in that way. We tend to think of them as expensive (and dangerous if not treated with respect) toys. Not really any different than a motorcycle. But the fact remains, and we know it at least at a subconscious level, that they are killing machines.*
So no, owning a gun is not a "God given right." It is, in fact, entirely contrary to God. There is nothing about a gun that says "Love, peace, or brotherhood." That we use the justification of self-defense or even civil-defense, does not change the fact that guns are contrary in every way to the love of God. That we live in a world that is so contrary to the love of God that we need these devices is the real crime, and the real issue. It is that issue that needs to be addressed first. When it is solved, there will be no more "need" for guns.
That being said, I think I will clean my swords today.
*I am specifically talking about hand-guns and assault rifle, not hunting rifles.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Book Review: The Exorcist's Handbook, J. McCarthy
This review is from: The Exorcist's Handbook (Paperback)

This book would have been great when I was in my early twenty's, and practicing magickal rites. The methods in this book would have completely fit in with my mindset at the time, and had I pursued these kinds of activities, I would likely have found myself dead or insane. Now that I have matured both religiously and spiritually, I find the practices in this book dangerous and irresponsible. Real "Demonic" forces will laugh at the idea of a magicians "personal power" and will shrug off all of the trinkets that you depend on to protect you. Faith in Deity alone is your only defense against true Demonic forces. Anything else is either extra-planar (which this book might prove useful in addressing), or psychological delusion (on both the part of the "possessed" and the "exorcist". My other significant disagreements lay in the idea of their being no "good or bad consciousnesses, only consciousness." This may be true at some deep level, but to Demons, it is complete bullocks. If you are not prepared to deal with "evil," then you are not prepared to enter this arena. On the subjects of angels: true Angels cannot be bound, nor manipulated against their will. They are manifestations of God's will. Anything that is bound that claims to be an Angel, is a liar; either a Demon (who can appear as an Angel) or a deamon.
Certainly there are other entities out there, other than Angels and Demons, and perhaps this book will be found to be useful in combating the malign intentions of some of them, but this reader would advise grave caution, and MUCH more research, even into the practices of the Holy Catholic Church, before deciding to engage in any such activities. If fact, one would be well advised indeed to read up on the subject, put the books down and say "Hell no, I think I will leave this sort of thing to the professionals."
Monday, October 14, 2013
The ineffability of the para-normal experience
The problem with super-natural, or rather "para-normal" experiences and mystical experiences alike, is that there are rarely witnesses other than one's self. And if there were, they likely find themselves reluctant to discuss or disclose such matters, for fear of how the public will receive them.
Individuals who have such experiences often find them ineffable; unable to be put into words that can adequately describe the experience. This makes all the more difficult to discuss it with others. Like a picture of a sunset or a panoramic view of a beautiful landscape, the paper image, like the words, can never quite do the experience justice.
Another problem occurs, even among one's own peer groups, who claim to be open to such experiences. I have known people who, despite a professed belief in the para-normal, scoff at the experiences of others. It is much easier to accept your own experiences as real, than it is to accept the experiences of others. This dichotomy has a couple of sources - 1. Until a person is comfortable with such experiences; until the experiences are no longer "para-normal," they will run into a wall of resistance when hearing the experiences of others. 2. Some people are unwilling to give up their position of elitism, their exclusivity. They find it hard to accept that others can have similar, or worse, even more profound experiences than themselves. This is the Ego at work. I have seen this played out, even in discussion groups on the subject.
So what is the recipient of such experiences to do? If they are lucky, they will have a true confidant to whom they can honestly disclose such experiences to. The best kind of person is one who will be supportive, and simply listen, making no judgements. Perhaps ask the open ended question or two, to help the person work through it.
The other thing that a person can do, is to journal such experiences. This allows them to record the experience, and their own thoughts about it to a totally unbiased recipient. It also allows the person to go back to that experience later and review it, perhaps to glean some wisdom from it.
Too often are experiences had, where they are left unrecorded for posterity. Imagine if you can the great wisdom that would be lost to us if people like Theresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Rumi, Nostradamus, or Madam Blavatsky had not recorded their experiences for us to later read. Certainly, in can, and should be argued that these mystics did not write their experiences down with the idea of becoming famous by them. They recorded them for their own use and edification. It is important that one write honestly and in the moment; journalling for one's own sake, and not for the sake of others.
Mystical, or super-natural experiences do happen. The historic record bares this out as truth. But truth, like reality is subjective. If you have had, or are having these experiences, they are you truth. It is not for others to judge the validity of them. The only truth lies in your interpretation of the events, and how they may or may not affect change in your life.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Heaven or Hell?
I heard my priest say that you do not have to be Catholic, or even Christian, to be saved. That Jesus came here to save us all, and it's not our religion that matters, but how we treat ourselves and others. What matters is that we are GOOD and DO GOOD. He asked the congregation if they knew Protestants who were good, I mean *really* good, people. There was a reluctant murmur and a small show of hands. He asked if they knew good Baptists. Nearly dead silence. "Come on now, half my family are Baptist's, and some of them are genuinely good people." This solicited a bit of uneasy laughter from the crowd, but I think they were starting to figure out where he was going with this. Know any good Buddhists? Good atheists? He went on to say that it is easier for Christians to get into heaven, because they are taught a doctrine of compassion and forgiveness, whereas most of the rest of the world operates on a "me-first" basis.
Now I imagine that this is going to cause no small amount of theological sphincter puckering (the air sure got thin in the church I was in during this part of the sermon.) over the "FAITH vs. WORKS" issue. And while I don't completely agree with the statement, I do agree with the sentiment.
I think the point that he is trying to make, and it seems to echo Pope Francis' sentiment, is that our God is an all loving, all compassionate, all forgiving God. If you are a good person, you are not going to Hell. Hell is reserved for those people who willingly separate themselves from God. Who willingly separate themselves from LOVE. There are millions upon millions of Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Wiccans, and yes, even Baptists (etc., ad nauseam) who are, deep down in their heart-of-hearts, good, loving, compassionate, forgiving people, who I simply cannot believe are destined for The Pits. God knows who his own are. They are His choice, not ours.
Now I imagine that this is going to cause no small amount of theological sphincter puckering (the air sure got thin in the church I was in during this part of the sermon.) over the "FAITH vs. WORKS" issue. And while I don't completely agree with the statement, I do agree with the sentiment.
I think the point that he is trying to make, and it seems to echo Pope Francis' sentiment, is that our God is an all loving, all compassionate, all forgiving God. If you are a good person, you are not going to Hell. Hell is reserved for those people who willingly separate themselves from God. Who willingly separate themselves from LOVE. There are millions upon millions of Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Wiccans, and yes, even Baptists (etc., ad nauseam) who are, deep down in their heart-of-hearts, good, loving, compassionate, forgiving people, who I simply cannot believe are destined for The Pits. God knows who his own are. They are His choice, not ours.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
A Question of Spiritualities
If you are reading this, you probably already read my blog, and have a fairly good idea of my theological bent. But it occurs to me that I know little or nothing about most of my friends. So, I would like to open up this dialogue by asking some questions. I would consider it a great personal favour if you answered them as thoroughly as possible. It is my desire to have a better understanding of the wide and varied, and wonderful spiritual paths of my friends.
What, if any spiritual/religious path do you follow?
What do you consider to be the spiritual aspects of your religion?
How do you obtain spiritual peace/satisfaction through your religion or spiritual practices?
Do you believe in a Higher Power/God/or Gods?
How do you relate, in this world, to your idea of a Higher Power/God/or Gods?
How does(do) your Higher Power/God/or Gods relate back to you and to the world?
What is the desired final outcome of your being here on Earth? What do you believe happens next?
How does that belief influence the way you operate in this world?
Is there anything else you would like to add to this discussion?
"Remember, this is for posterity, so be honest." - T. Rugan
What, if any spiritual/religious path do you follow?
What do you consider to be the spiritual aspects of your religion?
How do you obtain spiritual peace/satisfaction through your religion or spiritual practices?
Do you believe in a Higher Power/God/or Gods?
How do you relate, in this world, to your idea of a Higher Power/God/or Gods?
How does(do) your Higher Power/God/or Gods relate back to you and to the world?
What is the desired final outcome of your being here on Earth? What do you believe happens next?
How does that belief influence the way you operate in this world?
Is there anything else you would like to add to this discussion?
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Church and State

There is no Church and State. The Catholic Church has no office or authority in the U.S. Government. The Baptist Church has no office or authority in the U.S. Government. Nor do the Mormons, the Pentecostals, or any of the other nearly 41,000 sects of Christianity. Neither does the Church of Scientology, Wicca, Chuthulu, or Bob. So, which Church has office or authority in the US Government? There is none. What we have is people. People who are elected officials (meaning one way or another, you had a hand in putting them there), and people are members of various religious denominations... or not. They are people who hold the values of their particular religion or non-religion, and those values are going to affect how they manage things. By asking for a complete removal of "Church from State" what you are really asking for is to vote in only atheists &or humanists into office. If you don't like your Conservative Christian congress(wo)man, then do what is necessary to vote him/her out of office. Otherwise, if you want the complete removal of religio-spiritual influence from all government agency, you had better get started on those AI robots. Let me know how that works out for you.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Where my forgiveness ends...
I saw a post tonight by a friend applauding the abolition of the death penalty somewhere, and a rallying cry to everyone to keep fighting against death penalty laws.
I am of mixed feelings on this front. I do not believe that we as human beings have the right to take another human being's life, even in cases that "warrant" the death penalty. I also believe that "if you kill them, they can't learn nothin'" And, I believe in the words of Jesus of Nazareth when he said "Forgive them seventy times seven times." To a point...
When 3 immigrant workers entered my Ant and Uncle's produce stand in central Florida in the mid 80's, gunned down the friend-of-the-family clerk, and took my Aunt and Uncle in the back room and shot them execution style for the nominal amount of money in the register, my unforgiveness meter jumped straight to 491, and there it has sat for 30 years.
The clerk, by the grace of God and the benefit of being morbidly obese, survived five bullets to the torso, consequently, being able to positively identify the killers.
I do not know if those men have made it through the system to "the chair" yet. And I don't dare ask. All I can do, at moments like this when the maelstrom of rage starts its slow churning in my heart, is ask God for correct judgement on those men's behalf, and for forgiveness for my weakness.
I am of mixed feelings on this front. I do not believe that we as human beings have the right to take another human being's life, even in cases that "warrant" the death penalty. I also believe that "if you kill them, they can't learn nothin'" And, I believe in the words of Jesus of Nazareth when he said "Forgive them seventy times seven times." To a point...
When 3 immigrant workers entered my Ant and Uncle's produce stand in central Florida in the mid 80's, gunned down the friend-of-the-family clerk, and took my Aunt and Uncle in the back room and shot them execution style for the nominal amount of money in the register, my unforgiveness meter jumped straight to 491, and there it has sat for 30 years.
The clerk, by the grace of God and the benefit of being morbidly obese, survived five bullets to the torso, consequently, being able to positively identify the killers.
I do not know if those men have made it through the system to "the chair" yet. And I don't dare ask. All I can do, at moments like this when the maelstrom of rage starts its slow churning in my heart, is ask God for correct judgement on those men's behalf, and for forgiveness for my weakness.
Pray in Secret...
Does the Lord not say to keep your prayers and charities secret? That the Father will know his own? Then why do you wear your prayers and your charities on you sleeve, like some badge of honour? Do you so desperately seek the approval of man that you disregard the advise of God? Or do you seek to prove to man just how holy you are? This is the path of Pharisees and Sadducees, not the path of followers of His Way. Go back in your closet and shut your door. Pray in the silence of a space occupied only by You and God. Then come out and show the world HIS worth by example, not YOUR worth, by a list of things that you do.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
The Bible is only the beginning
Have you ever read a really good book? One you put down at the end and say, "Wow, that was amazing!"? And it stays with you in your imagination? Now, imagine if you had actually been there. Examine every aspect of it. Every sight, sound, smell, feeling, emotion, impression. Imagine every perceptic at work. Suddenly the book doesn't quite do it justice now does it? Like a photograph of a beautiful landscape, or a Stephen King novel, made into a movie. It just is never quite as good as the original work.
Well, the Bible is kind of like that.
Well, the Bible is kind of like that.
Monday, July 8, 2013
What does it mean?
"It is not just the Jesus Seminar folks that call into question the authenticity/authorship of certain (and I daresay, MANY) of the NT writings. But that doesn't really matter now does it. It is the CONTENT... it is the MESSAGE... that must be understood. Once you can break through the literary barrier, you move into the realm of a very direct, very personal relationship with God, that will supersede all arguments about who wrote what, and what it might or might not mean." +amd.g+
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Why God? Why?
Every day I hear people ask "Why does God let bad things happen in the world?" And I hear him reply: "Why do you?" Complacency and apathy are mortal sins. Not because the Church tells us so, but because they will KILL US.
Look, a long time ago, God used to get involved. Sometimes in really good ways (Angelic and personal visitations, the Exodus from Egypt), and sometimes in what we consider not-such-good-ways (Sodom and Gomorrah), but always with our best interests in mind. He gave us rules to live by. But He also gave us Free-will,and we chose, by-and-large, not to live by His rules. So, as per usual, things got just about as bad as things can get. So in keeping His promise of not wiping the Earth clean and starting over, He gave us an example. An example of how to live, how to love, how to treat one another, and how to treat ourselves. He gave us Him in Our form. The perfect melding of the the Creator and the Creation. He gave us ALL we need. All we need now is to accept the gift and live by the example.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Hell is the broken places...
is not fire and brimstone. Hell is the broken and empty places in the
heart where love has been shut out. And where the door has been closed
on love, so has it been closed on God. No one separates themselves from
God but themselves. Every opportunity is given. The choice is yours and
yours alone. I do not repent for fear of damnation, I repent for love of
salvation. Not the kind that takes me to Heaven. The kind that brings
Heaven here. +amd.g+
Monday, May 20, 2013
Angels or Good Samaritans
In my youth, I travelled to a distant city. One day, while walking on the outskirts of town, I was set upon by brigands. They emerged from the caves and the cliffs, and descended upon me like hungry lions. They beat me bloody, robbed me and left me on the side of the road for dead. After a time, I was able to get up again. I wandered aimlessly for a while. As I did, I passed many people, some of them turning their heads, some of them steering away, some of them pretending I wasn't there at all. When I was sure that all was lost, and I might never find my way home, two angels appeared to me. They took me under their wings, comforted me, gave me water, and washed the blood from my hands and face. They guided me to the safety of my domicile and disappeared.
V.2 When I was a teenager, I visited New York City with my father. One afternoon, I went for a walk alone in the nearby Riverside Park, a crowded and seemingly safe place. As I reached the end of the maid walkway, I noticed a rough looking crowd hanging out by the train tunnel. I quickly turned to walk back up the way I came, towards the safety of people. Before I had gotten ten paces, I was attacked by the gang of boys. The beat me severely and left me for dead. I laid there for what seemed a long time, beaten and bloodied. Eventually, I was able to get up and try to find help. As I staggered back up the parkway, bleeding, crying, and disoriented, I passed many people. Some on benches on the side of the walkway, some walking towards me. I can remember making eye contact with some of them, and how they would cross to the other side of the path, or just look away. Then I happened upon two elderly gentlemen who took me in their arms, got me cleaned up at a water fountain, found a police officer and saw to it that I found my way home. I never saw the two Good Samaritans again, and I don't know that I ever thanked them, but I want to take a moment to do it now. Gentlemen or Angels, whatever you were, and wherever you are, may God shine favourably upon you.
I don't know why I felt compelled to write two different versions of this story. They are both the truth. The first one is told as a myth, while the second one is just the facts. I guess this ties in with the theme of the last week or so.
V.2 When I was a teenager, I visited New York City with my father. One afternoon, I went for a walk alone in the nearby Riverside Park, a crowded and seemingly safe place. As I reached the end of the maid walkway, I noticed a rough looking crowd hanging out by the train tunnel. I quickly turned to walk back up the way I came, towards the safety of people. Before I had gotten ten paces, I was attacked by the gang of boys. The beat me severely and left me for dead. I laid there for what seemed a long time, beaten and bloodied. Eventually, I was able to get up and try to find help. As I staggered back up the parkway, bleeding, crying, and disoriented, I passed many people. Some on benches on the side of the walkway, some walking towards me. I can remember making eye contact with some of them, and how they would cross to the other side of the path, or just look away. Then I happened upon two elderly gentlemen who took me in their arms, got me cleaned up at a water fountain, found a police officer and saw to it that I found my way home. I never saw the two Good Samaritans again, and I don't know that I ever thanked them, but I want to take a moment to do it now. Gentlemen or Angels, whatever you were, and wherever you are, may God shine favourably upon you.
I don't know why I felt compelled to write two different versions of this story. They are both the truth. The first one is told as a myth, while the second one is just the facts. I guess this ties in with the theme of the last week or so.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
The question is: What does any of this have to do with our personal spirituality?
Unknown publication date.
"The question is: What does any of this have to do with our personal spirituality? Our personal relationship with God? What does a pastor at a political event, or a cross on a building or a public prayer, or a piece of clothing really have to do with your relationship with God? Everything here is all artifices. It is all external illusions, meant to keep you distracted from the real issue at hand. YOUR salvation. YOUR personal relationship with God. Go in your closet, close the door and pray. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Do not do as the Pharisees do, praying and fasting, and parading it around for all to see. What you do in the secret places of your heart shall be known by God. Like it our not, we are living in an increasingly secularized world. If you think it is bad now, it is going to get worse. Keep doing what you are doing, and do not get distracted politics of it. They are the worlds politics, not yours. You will be persecuted in His name. Who cares? What can they really do to you? You will not benefit by worrying about these things."
"The question is: What does any of this have to do with our personal spirituality? Our personal relationship with God? What does a pastor at a political event, or a cross on a building or a public prayer, or a piece of clothing really have to do with your relationship with God? Everything here is all artifices. It is all external illusions, meant to keep you distracted from the real issue at hand. YOUR salvation. YOUR personal relationship with God. Go in your closet, close the door and pray. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Do not do as the Pharisees do, praying and fasting, and parading it around for all to see. What you do in the secret places of your heart shall be known by God. Like it our not, we are living in an increasingly secularized world. If you think it is bad now, it is going to get worse. Keep doing what you are doing, and do not get distracted politics of it. They are the worlds politics, not yours. You will be persecuted in His name. Who cares? What can they really do to you? You will not benefit by worrying about these things."
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Why Mysticism
Last week, I promised that I would try to get back to the point of my post on why I am interested in Christian Mysticism. Let me begin by defining what mysticism is to me. Christian Mysticism is the journey of discovering God for yourself. It is at once a journey of self-discovery, and realization of the reality of the Divine in the world. It is the finding of God, and the allowing of God to find you. It is discovering that God and Life are one. That God and Love are one. That God and yourself, are one. It is the coming to God in your own way, rather than by guilt, or force, or coercion, or because your parents said so. It is discovering that God is within you and without you, and that God can be experienced outside of Church and outside of the Bible, and is not defined or contained by the various dogmas of the various Churches that claim exclusivity on Him.
It is like having a favourite city that you have not been to yet. You can read your travel atlas, and field guides and talk to people who have been there, or even live there. You can imagine and dream, and think you know everything there is to know about that city. But nothing compares to actually going there and experiencing it for yourself. I realized a long time ago, even before I was a Christian, that the problem with Christianity was allowing others to define God for you. Sure, have guides, and counsellors, mentors and ministers, but open yourself to the idea that God does not want a relationship with you through them. God wants a relationship with YOU. The Bible is an excellent resource for helping you get to know God, just as the travel atlas helps you know that city that you love so much. But it cannot BE that city, and the Bible cannot BE God. And no one can tell you authoritatively about that city, as no one can tell you authoritatively about your relationship with God.
It is like having a favourite city that you have not been to yet. You can read your travel atlas, and field guides and talk to people who have been there, or even live there. You can imagine and dream, and think you know everything there is to know about that city. But nothing compares to actually going there and experiencing it for yourself. I realized a long time ago, even before I was a Christian, that the problem with Christianity was allowing others to define God for you. Sure, have guides, and counsellors, mentors and ministers, but open yourself to the idea that God does not want a relationship with you through them. God wants a relationship with YOU. The Bible is an excellent resource for helping you get to know God, just as the travel atlas helps you know that city that you love so much. But it cannot BE that city, and the Bible cannot BE God. And no one can tell you authoritatively about that city, as no one can tell you authoritatively about your relationship with God.
And so it goes with God
was a historical Jesus, and his name was Yeshua of Nazareth. He was born of
Miriam and Yoseph. He was an itinerant rabbi, an apocalypticist, and a
political dissident. His actions in Jerusalem earned him the wrath of the local
Pharisees and Sadducees, and won him an execution at the hands of Pontius
Pilate. His followers went on to make him the single most influential person in
the history of mankind.
there is another Jesus. Jesus the Christ. The Anointed One. The Son of God. The
Messiah. Born of the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit. A man who's miraculous
birth was foretold by scripture and angels alike. A man who performed miracles
of healing, transformation, walking on water, and raising people from the dead.
His actions in Jerusalem gathered upon him the wrath of the local Pharisees and
Sadducees, and earned him crucifixion at the hands of Pontius Pilate. Whereupon
he died for the sins of the world, and was buried, descended into Hell, arose
on the third day, made a few appearances, ultimately ascending into Heaven to
take his place at the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge
the living and the dead.
the historian and the non-believer, the first story is made up of the
statistically reliable, historically viable information based on the source
material that we have. There is little or no doubt that Yeshua (later called
Jesus in Latin) existed, and that these things happened. For the faithful, the
second story is true, despite the lack of historic or statistically reliable
evidence. They take it on Faith. And neither of these two camps are wrong. But
there is another way of looking at these stories.
once heard the word "myth" defined as a story that can be true on the
inside, without necessarily having to be true on the outside. But more
accurately, "myth" can be defined as: a traditional or legendary
story, usually concerning some being, hero, or event, which may or may not have
a determinable basis of historical fact or a natural explanation; especially
one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice,
rite, or phenomenon of nature. The Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John of
the Christian Testament, are full of material that satisfies, to a greater or
lesser degree, both the historian and the faithful. They are also full of
myths. They are filled with stories that may or may not be historically true,
but are filled with truth nonetheless.
does not have to believe in the literalness of a story to gain the benefits of
the story's wisdom or truth. Does it matter that Jesus was born of a virgin?
Historically speaking, no. Faithfully speaking, well... not really. What
matters is what is understood by understanding the story. That it is understood
that Jesus was of particular uniqueness. That his birth had divine
implications. That his mother set the example of obedience to God's will. That
she understood that to believe God, to believe IN God, was to allow the birth
of Christ within her. Perhaps we are meant to understand that story the same
way. By accepting God's will within us, we allow for the birth of the Christ
consciousness within ourselves. The death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus
cannot be fully reconciled historically. It can, in the eyes of the faithful,
be taken completely literally. But there is another viewpoint that satisfies
both positions. And that is the story of the death, resurrection, and ascension
of Jesus as a "myth." Not a lie. Not a fairy-tale; but a wisdom story
that contains a universal truth. A truth that can be heard by those who have
ears to listen.
are two quotes from two movies that I would like to share with you. One is from
Secondhand Lions, where an ageing uncle is instructing his nephew on the facts
of life. Here he tells the boy:
"Sometimes the
things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the
most. That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean
everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good
always triumphs over evil; and I want you to remember this, that love... true
love never dies. You remember that, boy. You remember that. Doesn't matter if
it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because those
are the things worth believing in."
second is from the Life of Pi. Pi has just shared two versions of his tale of
survival with an interviewing author. When you read this one, I want you to
consider my opening paragraphs:
So which story do you prefer?
The one with the tiger. That's the better
Thank you. And so it goes with God.
[smiles] It's an amazing story.
Let those who have ears listen. Let those who
have hearts love.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
First Christian Exile
Yesterday I wrote an op. ed. piece on how my interest in Christian Mysticism was driven by the fact that I am sick-and-tired, and quite frankly a little embarrassed to be associated with the Christianity of today. I accidentally deleted that Blog post while cleaning up my files. But what I had to say was important enough to at least three people (based on the number of FB likes and comments) that I felt I should reiterate and possibly even elaborate.
The conflict that I am dealing with comes from a number of fronts, including but not limited to:
1. I have one friend who is constantly complaining about how Christianity is being attacked and suppressed by the secular world. Well, it is, and it is because we have misused it, we have abused it, and now, like misbehaved children we are getting our toy taken away. Remember the Jews? When they cheesed God off, God sent them into exile, or otherwise set some adversity against them until they realized the error of their ways. Well, we have not, and I suspect that we are not anywhere near realizing the error of our ways. That we are on the verge of Divine Retribution. And that is on us as Christians for not following the Gospels. It is not on the rest of the world for not being believers.
2. I have a couple of friends, who, despite their good intentions, regularly post some pretty severe political commentary or even outright hateful rhetoric on FaceBook, while at the same time espousing the Love of God and claiming to be an ambassador of Christ in the world. There is a verse in the Bible (James 3:11) that says that Salt and fresh water cannot flow from the same well. I suggest my friends, that you mediate on this verse, look back at your posts, and perhaps even your conversations, and wee how and where this might be applicable.
3. Every day, I scan through the news feeds on Religion and Spirituality, and I see the devastating impact that the Christian Right is having on my religion. From the obviousness of Jerry Falwell (who's University I just withdrew from on theological grounds), and the Roman Catholic Church scandals, to right-wing politicians who speak out of both sides of their mouth by admonishing the government for being overly-controlling, but want to make the Bible a part of American governance. I see atheist and anti-theist like Bill Maher taking pot shots at Christianity that are just as ignorant as the people who have worked so hard to give him reason to do it in the first place. I see "good Christians" abroad and here in America, killing, STILL KILLING, in the name of their God and their Bible!?! I see 'Good Christians" judging and condemning, when they should be helping and being compassionate. I see Christians world-wide FORCING Christ ON the world, rather than BEING Christ IN the world.
Now I know that this malfeasance is not representative of every Christian, any more than every Muslim is an extremist or a terrorist, but it is representative of the body of Christians who get the attention of the media. And, it is representative of a body of Christians who may not even realize that I am talking about them.
We are on the verge of the First Christian Exile, and if we have learned nothing from the Bible (which is really a question that this whole rant poses), it is that it will be our own fault. If we want to stop it, then we need to get out there and start representing what Christ taught in the Gospels rather than trying to force your interpretations of the Bible them on people. Christ was clear. Love thy neighbour. The rest is commentary.
The conflict that I am dealing with comes from a number of fronts, including but not limited to:
1. I have one friend who is constantly complaining about how Christianity is being attacked and suppressed by the secular world. Well, it is, and it is because we have misused it, we have abused it, and now, like misbehaved children we are getting our toy taken away. Remember the Jews? When they cheesed God off, God sent them into exile, or otherwise set some adversity against them until they realized the error of their ways. Well, we have not, and I suspect that we are not anywhere near realizing the error of our ways. That we are on the verge of Divine Retribution. And that is on us as Christians for not following the Gospels. It is not on the rest of the world for not being believers.
2. I have a couple of friends, who, despite their good intentions, regularly post some pretty severe political commentary or even outright hateful rhetoric on FaceBook, while at the same time espousing the Love of God and claiming to be an ambassador of Christ in the world. There is a verse in the Bible (James 3:11) that says that Salt and fresh water cannot flow from the same well. I suggest my friends, that you mediate on this verse, look back at your posts, and perhaps even your conversations, and wee how and where this might be applicable.
3. Every day, I scan through the news feeds on Religion and Spirituality, and I see the devastating impact that the Christian Right is having on my religion. From the obviousness of Jerry Falwell (who's University I just withdrew from on theological grounds), and the Roman Catholic Church scandals, to right-wing politicians who speak out of both sides of their mouth by admonishing the government for being overly-controlling, but want to make the Bible a part of American governance. I see atheist and anti-theist like Bill Maher taking pot shots at Christianity that are just as ignorant as the people who have worked so hard to give him reason to do it in the first place. I see "good Christians" abroad and here in America, killing, STILL KILLING, in the name of their God and their Bible!?! I see 'Good Christians" judging and condemning, when they should be helping and being compassionate. I see Christians world-wide FORCING Christ ON the world, rather than BEING Christ IN the world.
Now I know that this malfeasance is not representative of every Christian, any more than every Muslim is an extremist or a terrorist, but it is representative of the body of Christians who get the attention of the media. And, it is representative of a body of Christians who may not even realize that I am talking about them.
We are on the verge of the First Christian Exile, and if we have learned nothing from the Bible (which is really a question that this whole rant poses), it is that it will be our own fault. If we want to stop it, then we need to get out there and start representing what Christ taught in the Gospels rather than trying to force your interpretations of the Bible them on people. Christ was clear. Love thy neighbour. The rest is commentary.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Here Aaron, have a Snickers. Why? Because you get all mystical and esoteric when you're hungry.
and you shall find, and what you seek is what you shall find. If you
seek a God to be angry at, then a God to be angry at is what you shall
find. If you seek a God to find comfort in, then a God of comfort is
what you shall find. If you seek a God to revel and delight in the
mysteries of, then you shall find that also. +amd.g+
God reveals [Himelf] to us, so much as we seek [Him] in earnest. For in seeking, there is finding.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
St Julian of Norwich Day
The sooner you realize that God is [in] everything, the sooner you can stop hating A, B, or C, for X, Y, or Z reasons.
May you have a joyful Julian of Norwich Day.
May you have a joyful Julian of Norwich Day.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Then and Now
When I was a pagan, my religion was something that I celebrated on the sabbats, and acted upon when the need arose. My God was he that I greeted at dawn, and she that I greeted at moonrise. She was the Earth and He was the Hunt. They were there all the time, on the wind and in the rain, each exerting their power over their own spheres of this world. Unity was found in the act of love and in making love. Now as a Christian, my God is everywhere and everything. He and She are one, and all, and none at all. He is the days and the hours, and the weeks and the years. He is the sunrise and the sun, and the moonrise and the moon. He is the Agape, the Love that ebbs and flows among all things. He is the everything that ever was and everything that will ever be. He came before the gods of my youth, and he will be long after the memory of them has faded from these lands, for He is them than they are He. The time of many gods has passed from my world, for when there are many there are irreconcilable differences. When there is One there is unity, for it is One that is at the very heart of Unity.
The One and the Many ARE the same, and the many are reflections and representations of the One. Each a different face for a different people with different needs at different times. But as Many they are divided, as One they are unified.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Broken halos, broken wings, broken love
Everyday, there is a new "news" report about the Catholic Church, the retiring Pope, the malfeasance of the priesthood, and every day my heart breaks a little for the Church and her people. Even if 90% of what the media says is not true, the media is still saying it, and people are still believing it. And it would seem as though the Church has brought this mess down upon themselves, and down upon all of the Christian faith.
Some of what they are saying is undoubtedly true. Religions officials caught up in sex scandals. Pedophile priests. Ministers stealing money form their own churches. Preachers preaching Love and going home and beating their wives and daughters. And then there is what the body of Christ is out there doing in His name. Blowing up abortion clinics, homophobic tirades on public transits, militant anti-god-only-knows-what rallies by the Westboro Baptist Church. Ministries teaching hate to youth in the guise of good Biblical indoctrination.
And I know the arguments. Not the ones trying to defend the actions, but the ones trying to defend the people;they're only human, they make mistakes, they're trying just like everyone else. "They're not perfect, just forgiven," (That one's my favorite.)
What happened to my God of Love? What happened to the "Greatest Commandment upon which the whole of the Law and the prophets hang"? (Matt :36-40) Is it being slowly ground under? Is it being lost to an ever increasing sense of secularism based on the wanton desires of the flesh?Sex, money, power? I don't know about the rest of you, but I want my God back!
To all Priests and officials of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, all the way up the the Pope: You are the oldest traditional body in Christianity! You are the face of Christianity to the majority of the world. You don't get to be human, you get to be more-human-than-human! It's not that you aren't allowed to make mistakes, you just are not allowed to make THESE kinds of mistakes! I am not Catholic, but I look up to the Catholic Church like a big brother.
To the Ministers of the protestant and other modern church movements: Same goes! You are God's rep's here on Earth. Either step up, or step back. You are meant to be leading His people to salvation in and by the Love of God. If you are not doing that because you are caught up in this other nonsense, then you need to step back, take a long hard look at yourselves and what you are doing wrong, and make it right!
To the Body of Christ: Learn to think. Learn to discern. You know deep down inside what is right and what is wrong. Someone told me recently that the problem with the Church was not with the people but with the leadership. I called BS. The people ARE the leadership. Rise up and be responsible Christians. Be prophets in your own Church if needs be. Get back to the Greatest Commandment at all costs.
All-in-all, you are the Servants of God! Grow up and act like it. Quit making it so damn hard for the rest of us to profess our love for God and Christ!
A Post-script to all non-Christians: I am sorry to and for those of you who have a poor opinion of Christianity. I suppose we have earned it. But I tell you, 1500 years of screwing up the truth doesn't change the truth into something screwed up. It just makes it harder and harder for the next generations to find. The good news is that it is out there. Christianity has a mystical tradition at it's core that has been overlooked and ignored for too long. It is a beautiful tradition, and worthy of of redeeming the whole of Christianity's broken history.
Some of what they are saying is undoubtedly true. Religions officials caught up in sex scandals. Pedophile priests. Ministers stealing money form their own churches. Preachers preaching Love and going home and beating their wives and daughters. And then there is what the body of Christ is out there doing in His name. Blowing up abortion clinics, homophobic tirades on public transits, militant anti-god-only-knows-what rallies by the Westboro Baptist Church. Ministries teaching hate to youth in the guise of good Biblical indoctrination.
And I know the arguments. Not the ones trying to defend the actions, but the ones trying to defend the people;they're only human, they make mistakes, they're trying just like everyone else. "They're not perfect, just forgiven," (That one's my favorite.)
What happened to my God of Love? What happened to the "Greatest Commandment upon which the whole of the Law and the prophets hang"? (Matt :36-40) Is it being slowly ground under? Is it being lost to an ever increasing sense of secularism based on the wanton desires of the flesh?Sex, money, power? I don't know about the rest of you, but I want my God back!
To all Priests and officials of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, all the way up the the Pope: You are the oldest traditional body in Christianity! You are the face of Christianity to the majority of the world. You don't get to be human, you get to be more-human-than-human! It's not that you aren't allowed to make mistakes, you just are not allowed to make THESE kinds of mistakes! I am not Catholic, but I look up to the Catholic Church like a big brother.
To the Ministers of the protestant and other modern church movements: Same goes! You are God's rep's here on Earth. Either step up, or step back. You are meant to be leading His people to salvation in and by the Love of God. If you are not doing that because you are caught up in this other nonsense, then you need to step back, take a long hard look at yourselves and what you are doing wrong, and make it right!
To the Body of Christ: Learn to think. Learn to discern. You know deep down inside what is right and what is wrong. Someone told me recently that the problem with the Church was not with the people but with the leadership. I called BS. The people ARE the leadership. Rise up and be responsible Christians. Be prophets in your own Church if needs be. Get back to the Greatest Commandment at all costs.
All-in-all, you are the Servants of God! Grow up and act like it. Quit making it so damn hard for the rest of us to profess our love for God and Christ!
A Post-script to all non-Christians: I am sorry to and for those of you who have a poor opinion of Christianity. I suppose we have earned it. But I tell you, 1500 years of screwing up the truth doesn't change the truth into something screwed up. It just makes it harder and harder for the next generations to find. The good news is that it is out there. Christianity has a mystical tradition at it's core that has been overlooked and ignored for too long. It is a beautiful tradition, and worthy of of redeeming the whole of Christianity's broken history.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The Message of Truth
It is a message of such astonishing beauty that
most people are unable to even bare the thought of it. We have strayed
almost too far, and forgotten almost too much of what we knew in the
beginning. The message has been obfuscated by eons of ego and
misunderstanding. It has been stolen by man and his quest for truth. A
quest that has been derailed and transformed into a petty scramble for
power. A power that can never satisfy. A
power that can never compare. Truth has been mutated and deformed into lies. The truth of the heart into the lies of the mind. Can any one
person undo for themselves a millennium of millenniums of heartache? Of
the pain of separation. Oh, how we long to return to... have we
forgotten where?
Monday, February 4, 2013
Writer's Block and Spiritual Direction
So, I know it has been a while since I have posted anything. I have discovered that I know that I have writer's block when my inspirational articles start sounding like a technical manual. I was working on an article on Sin and Repentance, Confession and Forgiveness when I bogged down and out. Perhaps I will finish it soon, perhaps not. We will see how the Spirit moves me.
In the meantime, I had my first meeting with Father. R. today regarding my desire to join the priesthood. We had an excellent hour-and-a-half discussion that, to be honest, left me somewhat intimidated, a little discouraged, and at the same time a little scared-yet-excited about what the future may yet bring.
"It is a process." he would tell me. A process that could take up to 10 years AFTER my bachelor's degree, and then with no guarantee of an ordination. "But you have to let go and trust the process," he would conclude. I am truly trying to take an Ignatian "detachment" approach to this. I hope and pray that I can.
I am a little concerned about choosing Liberty U. as my college for my bachelor's program. They are a very conservative Baptist university, and I hold some reservations about what their science and theology classes are going to be like. I am still planning to pursue my BS in Religion with my minor in Christian Counseling. I am hoping to do my Master's somewhere like Candler. We'll see.
That's all for now folks. Thanks for tuning in, and hopefully I will get back in the swing of things soon.
In the meantime, I had my first meeting with Father. R. today regarding my desire to join the priesthood. We had an excellent hour-and-a-half discussion that, to be honest, left me somewhat intimidated, a little discouraged, and at the same time a little scared-yet-excited about what the future may yet bring.
"It is a process." he would tell me. A process that could take up to 10 years AFTER my bachelor's degree, and then with no guarantee of an ordination. "But you have to let go and trust the process," he would conclude. I am truly trying to take an Ignatian "detachment" approach to this. I hope and pray that I can.
I am a little concerned about choosing Liberty U. as my college for my bachelor's program. They are a very conservative Baptist university, and I hold some reservations about what their science and theology classes are going to be like. I am still planning to pursue my BS in Religion with my minor in Christian Counseling. I am hoping to do my Master's somewhere like Candler. We'll see.
That's all for now folks. Thanks for tuning in, and hopefully I will get back in the swing of things soon.
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