
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Why God? Why?

Every day I hear people ask "Why does God let bad things happen in the world?" And I hear him reply: "Why do you?" Complacency and apathy are mortal sins. Not because the Church tells us so, but because they will KILL US. 
Look, a long time ago, God used to get involved. Sometimes in really good ways (Angelic and personal visitations, the Exodus from Egypt), and sometimes in what we consider not-such-good-ways (Sodom and Gomorrah), but always with our best interests in mind.  He gave us rules to live by. But He also gave us Free-will,and we chose, by-and-large, not to live by His rules. So, as per usual, things got just about as bad as things can get. So in keeping His promise of not wiping the Earth clean and starting over, He gave us an example. An example of how to live, how to love, how to treat one another, and how to treat ourselves. He gave us Him in Our form. The perfect melding of the the Creator and the Creation. He gave us ALL we need. All we need now is to accept the gift and live by the example.

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