
Monday, February 4, 2013

Writer's Block and Spiritual Direction

So, I know it has been a while since I have posted anything. I have discovered that I know that I have writer's block when my inspirational articles start sounding like a technical manual. I was working on an article on Sin and Repentance, Confession and Forgiveness when I bogged down and out. Perhaps I will finish it soon, perhaps not. We will see how the Spirit moves me.

In the meantime, I had my first meeting with Father. R. today regarding my desire to join the priesthood. We had an excellent hour-and-a-half discussion that, to be honest, left me somewhat intimidated, a little discouraged, and at the same time a little scared-yet-excited about what the future may yet bring.

"It is a process." he would tell me. A process that could take up to 10 years AFTER my bachelor's degree, and then with no guarantee of an ordination. "But you have to let go and trust the process," he would conclude. I am truly trying to take an Ignatian "detachment" approach to this. I hope and pray that I can.

I am a little concerned about choosing Liberty U. as my college for my bachelor's program. They are a very conservative Baptist university, and I hold some reservations about what their science and theology classes are going to be like. I am still planning to pursue my BS in Religion with my minor in Christian Counseling. I am hoping to do my Master's somewhere like Candler. We'll see.

That's all for now folks. Thanks for tuning in, and hopefully I will get back in the swing of things soon.


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