My question is; "So what if he was." How does that change anything? If anything, it seems to me that Yeshua's being married makes far more sense than his not. As a Jew at the time, it would have been expected of him to have taken a wife by the age of thirty. Did he not say that he was the 'fulfillment of the Law," and that "not one iota of the Law would be changed"? Secondly, if he came down here as a human, to partake of the whole human experience, would it not stand to reason that marriage (which is one of the Sacraments) would be part of that experience?
Yeshua's being married makes him that much more human, and therefore makes his sacrifice on our behalf that much more meaningful and powerful. This idea that Jesus was as pure as the driven snow puts him above/against the humanity which he came to be a part of, so that humanity could come and be a part of Him.

Him being married would have been the result of Joseph and Mary being good Jews. It would likely have been an arranged marriage. We know they were good Jews because they sacrificed doves at him circumcision. They worshiped at the temple.