
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Given up on God

A lot of people have given up on God. They have given up on God because they expect God to be manifest in the exterior, physical world. What with all of the hate, and all of the hurt in the world, who can blame them for giving up? But the outer world is not God's immediate concern. God's immediate concern is the inner world. "The Kingdom of God is within you," is not just some cliche corporate line. We are God's creation. We are created in the likeness of God. That is to say, as spiritual beings, we are as/of God. Until we truly, and by "we" I mean ALL of us, and by "truly" I really mean TRULY, all of the way down to the core of our being... figure that out, the world will remain full of hate and hurt. You see, it is really up to us. Not God. Some of you may have given up on God, but God has not given up on you. And neither have I.

1 comment:

  1. More people need to read "The Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde. It's a short story of a way God enters your life.
