
Saturday, December 15, 2012

On the Archangel Uri'el, his brothers, and the cause of his fury

So in discussion with Celeste tonight regarding the blatant omission of Uri'el from most literature on the Archangels, I was querying her as to why? It was then that the memory of the First Dream returned to me, and the answer was made clear.
It is generally considered that Uri'el is less common in literature, and is omitted from the roles of Archangels in many cases because; 1. He is not specifically mentioned in the canonical Bible, and 2. His is not such a popular job (being the Fire of God (God's justice)) as that to be put forward into the public eye.
In the Dream, Uriel was furious with Micha'el, and with the Father for their forced roll in casting Hal'el (Lucifer) out of Heaven. But even more so, he was furious with his brother for betraying them (his brothers) and the Throne. That Uri'el meets out God's justice with such fervor is attributed to his ongoing fury with Hal'el. A fury that will not be satisfied until Hell falls, and his brother repents.

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