
Friday, December 14, 2012

27 bells in Connecticut

I am crushed in by what happened in Connecticut today. So much so that a part of me has simply tuned off. It is strange to have a part of your heart/soul that will not feel.
I pray to God for every child in that school, and in every school, in every nation on earth. I pray to God for every parent. Every teacher. Every administrator. Every emergency responder. I pray to God for every soul on this little blue marble, that we may find peace of spirit, and healing within our individual and our collective faiths. That the broken may be mended. That the hurt may be healed. That the saddened may find joy. And the angry, peace. I pray for the shooter, and I pray for the reconciliation of the Devil himself, that he may come back into the Light, and that his kingdom and his minions may all turn to so much dust.

May the church bell ring 27 times.

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