
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Part of the Solution...

I stand up and apologize to the world for eons of misinterpretation and misappropriation of Holy Scriptures of Judaism and Christianity.
I apologize for and stand against the atrocities that have been, and are being committed in God's Holy name.
I stand against the hate rhetoric of the "Christian Right".
I stand against the literalistic interpretations of the Holy Scripture that have bred a culture of ignorance, fear, and hatred over the ages.

I stand up for Christ Yeshuah of Nazareth, called Jesus, who came as a perfect example of Man and God, to this world to reunite the human spirit with the source of all creation.
I stand up for loving your neighbor as yourself.*
I stand up for prayer, contemplation, and love over anger, rashness, and hate.
I stand up for spreading messages that kindle the hearts and minds of your fellow human beings, rather than denigrating them or their beliefs.
I stand up for leading by example, not by volume, money, power or any other worldly influences.

I have a lot of friends who are of other religious and spiritual paths. I love them all, with no reservation towards their religious practices or spiritual beliefs.** But when they post statements and meme's on social media boards that generalize all of Christianity and all Christians as being ignorant, bigoted, and hateful, I wonder if they realize that they are being just as intolerant as those they are accusing of intolerance. I also wonder if they know or care that they are including me, their "friend", in their accusations.

I have never been one to shove my religion/spirituality down another's throat. I do not post Christian Propaganda on my FaceBook page explaining why God is better than x, y, or z.***
I do not decry others for their "ungodly heathen ways." I pray for my friends and family that they may find peace with God, and serve their time on this planet, and in this universe, in ways that leave it better than they found it.

So before you speak or act, criticize or complement, condone or condemn, etc., ad nauseam; ask yourself: Is what I am going to do or say True? Is it Helpful? Is it Kind?**** Will it result in the betterment of this planet that we all have to share, or will it create even more ill will and divisiveness.

*If you do not love yourself, and are therefor incapable of loving your neighbor, then I suggest that you get off the bus and get that mess sorted out. Because that is a long, lonely, and dreadful way to live. If you need someone to talk to about it, call me.

**I don't have to agree with my friends to love and respect them. In the end, every individual will stand and know if they have been right or if they have been wrong.

*** Say, a colour television set.

**** There is a difference between "nice" and "kind." What you have to say may hurt someone's feelings in the short run (see the other qualifiers), But you don't have to be a dick about it.

1 comment:

  1. Few greater truths-
    You always were good at the "My good man....." talks.
