For some (at some times) it is Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, a period of celebration and rededication, and the miracle of light the came with it.
For some, it is Pancha Ganapati, a festival spiritual discipline and renewal.
For some it is Yule, the return of the Holly King, or the celebration of the returning of the light from the darkness of winter.
And there are many, many other people, that celebrate many, many other "holy days" at this time of year.
Then there are those who do not celebrate the "holy days" per se. For them, the Christmas season is a secular holiday, filled with parties, and Santa Claus, and presents galore. For them it is the "Holiday Season."
But we all celebrate something in common at this time of year; be us Christian or Jew, Hindu or Pagan, Atheist or other... It is a time of year that we all recognise as a time to try to spend more time with family, to try to be more generous and forgiving to and of others, to try to spread good will and good cheer around. A time to overlook our differences and come together as people, co-workers, as neighbors, as friends. It is a time of year when we all try to bring a little light, and a little love into other people's lives.
So be joyous in your celebrations, and be happy for the joyous celebrations of others. Invite others to your attend your celebrations, and attend theirs if invited. Learn and love, love and learn, but most of all, just love. Because, like it or not, we are all here together. Wouldn't it be better if we all got along, even if it was just for a few hours, or a few days, or a few weeks a year?
From me to you, a joyous holiday season. May you walk your path in love, wherever it takes you!
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