For a lark yesterday, on my 50th birthday, I Tweeted 12 things that I
wish I had known at 25. Or more accurately, 12 things that, had I put
them into action, would have made my life a lot easier. Some are bits
of advice that wisdom figures have told me and took years to sink in.
Others are the result of some hard knocks. A few are insights from the
great spiritual masters that I've adapted for my own life. Maybe a few
will help someone you know who's 25. Maybe one or two will help you.
1. First up: Stop worrying so much! It's useless. (I.e. Jesus was right.)
2. Being a saint means being yourself. Stop trying to be someone else and just be your best self. Saves you heartache.
3. There's no right way to pray, any more than there's a right way to be a friend. What's "best" is what works best for you.
4. Remember three things and save yourself lots of unneeded heartache: You're not God. This ain't heaven. Don't act like a jerk.
A journal of my spiritual journey and my search for the understanding of God. What I post here are my thoughts, revelations, madnesses, rants and raves, praises and platitudes, poetry and songs, and whatever else I am inspired by the Spirit to write.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Blaming All for One and One for All
"Italian Catholic Priest claims: "Arrogant, self-sufficient, provocative women incite domestic violence." was the headline that I read this morning. Wow. That won't win over any new friends for the Catholic Church. In fact, I rather suspect that it will only increase the level of suspicion and enmity towards, not just the Catholic Church, but her people, and all Christians for that matter.
All of this got me to thinking about how people (we) often blame an entire demographic for the actions or words of one or two or a few people.
All of this got me to thinking about how people (we) often blame an entire demographic for the actions or words of one or two or a few people.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christ is born into the world through us
According to the mystical tradition, Christ is
born into the world through each of us. As we open our hearts, he is
born into the world. As we choose to forgive, he is born into the world.
As we rise to the occasion, he is born into the world. As we make our
hearts true conduits for love, and our minds true conduits for higher
thoughts, then absolutely a divine birth takes place. Who we're capable
of being emerges into the world, and weaknesses of the former self begin
to fade. Thus are the spiritual mysteries of the universe, the constant
process of dying to who we used to be as we actualize our divine
potential. -M. Williamson
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
After the storm
After the emotional storm the last couple of days, I feel calm again, and there is peace in the house. The boys are all good, Celeste is good, I am good, God is good and is with us again. The daily grind has not changed, but I have, if even just a little bit. Metanoia rarely comes all at once. It comes in bits and pieces, sometimes slowly and softly like a gentle stream, and sometimes like an raging river.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
On the Archangel Uri'el, his brothers, and the cause of his fury
So in discussion with Celeste tonight regarding the blatant omission of Uri'el from most literature on the Archangels, I was querying her as to why? It was then that the memory of the First Dream returned to me, and the answer was made clear.
It is generally considered that Uri'el is less common in literature, and is omitted from the roles of Archangels in many cases because; 1. He is not specifically mentioned in the canonical Bible, and 2. His is not such a popular job (being the Fire of God (God's justice)) as that to be put forward into the public eye.
In the Dream, Uriel was furious with Micha'el, and with the Father for their forced roll in casting Hal'el (Lucifer) out of Heaven. But even more so, he was furious with his brother for betraying them (his brothers) and the Throne. That Uri'el meets out God's justice with such fervor is attributed to his ongoing fury with Hal'el. A fury that will not be satisfied until Hell falls, and his brother repents.
It is generally considered that Uri'el is less common in literature, and is omitted from the roles of Archangels in many cases because; 1. He is not specifically mentioned in the canonical Bible, and 2. His is not such a popular job (being the Fire of God (God's justice)) as that to be put forward into the public eye.
In the Dream, Uriel was furious with Micha'el, and with the Father for their forced roll in casting Hal'el (Lucifer) out of Heaven. But even more so, he was furious with his brother for betraying them (his brothers) and the Throne. That Uri'el meets out God's justice with such fervor is attributed to his ongoing fury with Hal'el. A fury that will not be satisfied until Hell falls, and his brother repents.
Archangel Uriel,
St. Uriel,
Friday, December 14, 2012
27 bells in Connecticut
I am crushed in by what happened in Connecticut today. So much so that a
part of me has simply tuned off. It is strange to have a part of your
heart/soul that will not feel.
I pray to God for every child in that school, and in every school, in every nation on earth. I pray to God for every parent. Every teacher. Every administrator. Every emergency responder. I pray to God for every soul on this little blue marble, that we may find peace of spirit, and healing within our individual and our collective faiths. That the broken may be mended. That the hurt may be healed. That the saddened may find joy. And the angry, peace. I pray for the shooter, and I pray for the reconciliation of the Devil himself, that he may come back into the Light, and that his kingdom and his minions may all turn to so much dust.
May the church bell ring 27 times.
I pray to God for every child in that school, and in every school, in every nation on earth. I pray to God for every parent. Every teacher. Every administrator. Every emergency responder. I pray to God for every soul on this little blue marble, that we may find peace of spirit, and healing within our individual and our collective faiths. That the broken may be mended. That the hurt may be healed. That the saddened may find joy. And the angry, peace. I pray for the shooter, and I pray for the reconciliation of the Devil himself, that he may come back into the Light, and that his kingdom and his minions may all turn to so much dust.
May the church bell ring 27 times.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
God in the Trees
Went hiking with the family today. Red Top Mountain, near Cartersville. It is the first time in a long time that we have gone to First Church. In the small quiet spaces between the children's chatter, I found God in the wind in the treetops, the rustling of leaves, and the sorrowful sounds of bird calls in the desolate winter woods. It was good to walk with Him again, even if only briefly.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
On the Ministry of Exorcism
I am in a seriously contemplative state regarding the ministry of exorcism this evening. It is a subject that very few people are willing to confront, much less address with any degree of the seriousness with which it is deserving.
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