
Saturday, September 29, 2012

On Yeshua being married:

Recently the hoopla in the news has been of the fragment of parchment from a codex that has been dubbed "The Gospel of Jesus' Wife." No conclusions as to it's authenticity, meaning, or even it's implications have been drawn. The Church denies the possibility of Yeshua (Jesus) having been married, or even having been a sexual being in any context. Some connection to "original sin" and the sex act being sinful by its very nature. (I will address "original sin" in another post)
My question is; "So what if he was." How does that change anything? If anything, it seems to me that Yeshua's being married makes far more sense than his not. As a Jew at the time, it would have been expected of him to have taken a wife by the age of thirty. Did he not say that he was the 'fulfillment of the Law," and that "not one iota of the Law would be changed"? Secondly, if he came down here as a human, to partake of the whole human experience, would it not stand to reason that marriage (which is one of the Sacraments) would be part of that experience?
Yeshua's being married makes him that much more human, and therefore makes his sacrifice on our behalf that much more meaningful and powerful. This idea that Jesus was as pure as the driven snow puts him above/against the humanity which he came to be a part of, so that humanity could come and be a part of Him.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Spiritual Cosmonaut

The Holy Scriptures are like the sky or the ocean. You look out and you see the truth of them. They are vast, and eternal, and on the surface they are plain in their meaning. If you are a sailor or a pilot of this world, they tell you all you need to know, in their movements and motions. But then there are cosmonauts. Those who would delve headlong into the depths, beyond the waves, and beyond the clouds.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Conservatives, Liberals, Contemplatives, oh my...

Conservatives: Bible teaches moral absolutes. Liberals: Bible proclaims social justice. Contemplatives: Bible calls us to transfiguration. ~Carl McColman

Saturday, September 22, 2012

An old man's dream...

I dreamt an old man lay on his death bed. He knew his time was near, and he was afraid. He wished to repent of the evil things he had done in his life. He prayed to God for Forgiveness. He prayed to God for Mercy. He prayed to God and he feared. And God replied;  "It cannot be by Fear that you come to Me. Not fear of death, nor fear of Hell. You can only come to me through Love. Love of Me, love of Life, love of All. When you know Love, you will know Me." And the old man slept.
"Don't let the idea of reincarnation be an excuse to get lazy and not strive to get it right this time. You don't know what the future holds in store. You don't know what world you may return to." +Arin

Consider that you are already wise:

Your wisdom is not complete or flawless, but it does exist in the depths of you. It exists because God has designed the universe in such a way that, if we pay any attention at all, we will learn. As we solve problems, survive grief, create something new, or help others heal, wisdom develops and grows in our hearts and minds.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Rediscovering Christianity

A short talk from Rev. Theodore Nottingham about returning to true Christianity. To Christianity as  Wisdom teachings. To Christianity as an Intuitive process. Before the fragmentation and division that has created so much ignorance and intolerance. A return to Christianity as a Mystical Tradition.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I do not support "Special Rights"

I do not support Gay Rights. I do not support Woman's Rights. I do not support Minority Rights. I support Human Rights. I believe that every person, (who is not a convicted criminal, a Prisoner of War, or has otherwise legitimately had their rights limited or revoked) should have equal access to all of the rights granted to the populace by the constitution of the land in which they reside.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Given up on God

A lot of people have given up on God. They have given up on God because they expect God to be manifest in the exterior, physical world. What with all of the hate, and all of the hurt in the world, who can blame them for giving up? But the outer world is not God's immediate concern. God's immediate concern is the inner world. "The Kingdom of God is within you," is not just some cliche corporate line. We are God's creation. We are created in the likeness of God. That is to say, as spiritual beings, we are as/of God. Until we truly, and by "we" I mean ALL of us, and by "truly" I really mean TRULY, all of the way down to the core of our being... figure that out, the world will remain full of hate and hurt. You see, it is really up to us. Not God. Some of you may have given up on God, but God has not given up on you. And neither have I.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Prayer of Holy Communion

Oh Lord, thank you for this gift of Holy Communion.
By Your Grace, our bodies and souls become one.
You came into this world, became human, lived as a human, died as a human, and were resurrected again as God, so that we humans, your beloved creations, may come into You, live in You, die in You, and become resurrected in You.
In Your Holy Name, by our Lord Christ Jesus.



+I feel your petty hatreds grinding against my soul like hot sand. They claw at my face and they tear at my heart.
You say you love everyone, but your words are tainted with hatred toward the one thing that loves you beyond all measure.+