
Monday, March 12, 2012

An Unwitting Dignitary

A couple of weeks ago, Celeste had an encounter with a rather unique individual while walking downtown. As she was proceeding north on Chuch Street, a very androgynous character came flitting up beside her. It asked how her Lent was coming along, smiled and went on its way. As Celeste approached Polk Street, the presence appeared again. Celeste made her left on Polk heading to the car, and the individual crossed the road and stopped in front of St. James Episcopal Church. Celeste felt compelled to look back, and the person was gone. Not just gone up the road, or gone into the church, but Celeste was left with the perceptible feeling of "goneness" from the very space where it had been in front of the Church.
The following Sunday, her new acquaintance showed up in our Bible Study class. She (it took is a good long while to determine that it was, or was giving the illusion of being a female) came in with Father Rodger, and took a seat at the head of the table. Fr. Rodger introduced her as a guest from a local Catholic Church, who was expanding her religious and theological horizons. The young girl had a misplaced look about her. Glassy eyed, and a quirky smile that read that she just might not be altogether well located if you take my meaning. She was *very* excited to be at the Episcopal church, apparently having been raised Roman Catholic. She kept here peace through the class, but her very presence seemed to put some people on edge, and you could see the sideways glances, and the quick whispers.
This past Sunday, as we attended the Pipes & Pipes concert at St. James, our friend was there again. Sitting downstairs in the front row. Fidgeting and not quite sure what to do with herself, she exhibited all of the signs of an extremely ADHD individual.
During the intermission, she came upstairs. I turned to her as she entered the door to the balcony seating area, She stopped dead in her tracks, looked back at me and cocked her head to one side. I reciprocated the gesture, and she stood upright and said "Who are you?" I waved her over and dismissed her question, as I felt the far more appropriate question was for me to ask her: "Who are YOU?" We chatted about the show for a moment, and she reiterated her excitement about "becoming an Episcopalian." She queried about the whereabouts of the Pastor, and was very disappointed to discover that we could not tell her where he was. The show began again, and she knelt down at the rail to watch. During one on the longer, slower organ pieces, apparently I drifted off a bit.While I was away, I *dreamed* that Celeste and I (but not Celeste and I, more like our *other* selves) were talking to this young woman. I asked her if this was her first time being sent down. She looked at me blankly, and cocked her head quizzically.  I turned to "Celeste" and said, "She doesn't know, does she?" I awoke with a start at that moment, as the piece came to an end.
A part of me really want to have a serious conversation with this young woman. and another part of me is certain that if I told here what I suspect about her presence here, that she would freak out. Hmm...

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