
Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Had a conversation this evening about "forgiveness." The question raised was; is forgiving someone who has done you wrong, without their admitting (or even being willing to acknowledge) their wrong doing the same as letting them be right?

1 comment:

  1. The one who knows what Singer meansJanuary 16, 2012 at 7:23 AM

    Even though this was posted several months ago, I just found it today, so...

    The answer to your question, to me is Absolutely! If I were to have "continued to forgive" the person(s) who refused to acknowledge the things that they did, or why it was "wrong" or hurtful, then I would venture to guess that those wrongs would have continued, and possibly even progressed to "further wrongs".
    My choices to no longer forgive the wrongs that were done, allowed both myself and those other people the chances to grow and to perhaps become better persons than we both were. cliche as it is, as I like to put it: Forgive, but never forget. And if it happens again, no longer forgive.
