
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The space between...

"We pay so much attention to our thoughts.. we give them so much belief and identity that we miss the quiet space that exists between our thoughts. There lies the Peace of God. The mystics say that when our mind becomes still, the joy and sweetness of our own Higher Self shines through our being. As we practice witnessing our mind rather than chasing our thoughts, as we accept everything (including ourselves) as they are, our mind begins to become still. As our mind becomes still, the space between thoughts increases... our hearts and minds becomes absorbed in a quiet Peace. We are no longer lost in thought, but instead we experience the joy, clarity and Inner Peace of the Present Moment that lies beyond thoughts of the past or future. Now we live in the natural flow of life, fearlessly. This is the higher goal of our life." ~author unknown

Friday, January 11, 2013

Storms reprise

The storms come more quickly now
Crashing and flashing
Blinding my eyes to the glory of the sun
The precipice beckons me
Deeper and darker
Blinding my heart to the Glory of the Son
The seas rage, and the mountains shudder, the desert sands blow
And I try to see, but I am blind
The waters calm, the meadows glisten, the skies clear
And my Vision returns...