
Sunday, July 31, 2011



Mirages and Oasises

Lord, I feel that the end of my long journey is in sight, yet my destination seems to forever shimmer on the horizon mike a mirage. I ask you to guide me on the straight path and lead me to the oasis of my solace.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Scientological Approarch

The goal of every living organism in this universe is ultimately Survival. From survival as itself as an individual organism to becoming one again with all of creation, the goal is the same.

Good and Bad, Right and Wrong, Righteousness and Sin can all be said to be measured by how Pro-Survival or Anti-Survival any particular action is across the Dynamics.

When evaluating your thoughts and deeds, actions that are good for more dynamics than no, could be considered to be Good, or Pro-Survival Actions. Actions that would adversely effect more of the Dynamics than not would be considered to be Bad, or Anti-Survival actions.

This is pretty straight forward stuff.

We exist and survive and strive to achieve perfection across eight planes, or Dynamics:
1. Self- Survival as Self: Who we are as human beings. Our personalities, our bodies, our minds.
2. Family/Sex- Our survival into the future through procreation. Our selection of a partner. Our our relationship with our immediate family.
3. Groups- Our survival as and of groups. Large or small groups. We are social animals. We need groups. This could be your co-workers, your social groups, your neighborhood, your city, your country, your race.
4. Mankind- Survival of and as Mankind.
5. All Life- The survival of and as part of all life on the planet (or in the cosmos)
6. Physical Universe- Survival of and as part of the physical universe. Matter-Energy-Space-Time.
7. Spirituality- Survival as a spiritual being and of spiritual beings
8. Infinity (Supreme Beingness, God, etc...)- Survival towards regaining unity with God


In relations with others, a formula can be observed. This same formula can be applied to you relationship with God:

The ARC Triangle represents the relationship between Affinity (your willingness to be close to something), Reality (your agreement or understanding with/of something) and Communication (your ability to talk, or other wise communicate about something.
It is a truth, that when one corner of the triangle drops, the others follow suite.
Communication is the pinnacle of this process. Through Communication, Reality is established. With reality comes Affinity (or at the very least an acceptance of what something is.)

I will update this more soon.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Faith is not about believing in the power of God to help you.
Faith is about believing in the power of God WITHIN you to help yourself!


God is the ultimate ISNESS.
All other gods have been but ASPECTS. That which were needed by a particular people, in a particular place, at a particular time.


The Gods of Man are limited in time and space. They are temporal.