
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Notes from our Angelic Visitation

Angelic Visitation

Preface: My dad called me one day prior to this and asked me if I would accept the gift of an angelic visitation from him and Patty. He explained that someone offered him the same gift, and the price was to pass it on to someone else. I reluctantly accepted. When the designated night came, Celeste put out offerings and lit candles, but I was still incredulous. Then the clock struck 11, the wind picked up suddenly outside and blew the previously closed door open. All of the hair on my neck stood up, and Celeste collapsed to the floor.
Half-an-hour later, we were all sitting around the dining room table. These are our notes from that encounter:

ABURIEL- He who leads them
AREFIEL- He who brings healing
SAMARIEL- He who is the Warrior Spirit
ANURIEL- He who brings renewal
LAURIEL- She who is gentleness and wisdom
(spelling may not be 100%. Ex: "iel" may be "ael")

"These are not our true names, but names which you can understand"

"Do not doubt"

What you believe to be your imagination is The Spirit speaking to you, through you."

Do not be afraid to speak the words in your mind aloud."

The Truth is more beautiful than you can ever imagine."

At Celeste: "Why do you cry? You cannot imagine the tremendous peace he has found not the tremendous love he has for you." Speaking of her father who had passed in 2007.



After this first night, the presences stayed around for the proscribed week. We went camping that weekend, and they attended us even there. It was the weekend of the "Super-moon."